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Health Resources

Regular dental and vision examinations can help detect problems and prevent them from becoming painful and expensive. Our health resources will keep you up-to-date on the latest health information so that you can maintain an overall healthy lifestyle.

Oral Health Videos

Learn about the connection between oral health and overall health, and how you can ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles, by watching the Renaissance “Drool is Cool” video series:

Oral Health Information

Renaissance’s health articles explore how to keep your mouth healthy—and how doing so can help keep your body healthy.

Dentists are Disease Detectives

Your dentist searches for clues that may point to other serious health issues. Dentists can detect more than 120 signs and symptoms of non-dental disease by examining your mouth, head and neck.* This means that if something is wrong in your mouth, something else may be wrong in another part of your body.

By seeing your dentist, you help maintain a healthy mouth and healthy body. Even more reason to see your dentist regularly.

Flouride: Tap into It

Learn more about how drinking fluoridated water can help fight tooth decay.

Keeping Mom and Baby Healthy

It’s important to keep visiting your dentist during your pregnancy. Inform your dentist that you’re expecting and the due date, as well as any changes in your oral health. Also, remember to brush with fluoride toothpaste two times a day, floss once a day, and eat a nutritious diet.

Implants: Filling the Gap

Developing good oral health habits can help avoid the need for implants. If a tooth replacement is required, implants can be used to permanently replace individual teeth.

Tobacco: Unfiltered Facts

Tobacco use in any form increases the risk for many oral health issues like tooth loss, gum disease and oral cancer. Discover new reasons to quit using tobacco today!

Tooth Trauma

Quick action is crucial to saving the life of an injured tooth. While protecting teeth from injury isn’t always possible, knowing what to do after trauma occurs can increase the chance of saving the tooth.

Tooth Wisdom Throughout the Years

Helpful information for adults concerned about tooth decay and other issues that may arise as they get older.

Making the Connection: Oral Health and Diabetes

Your dentist can check for early signs of diabetes during a routine checkup. Find out more about the connection between diabetes and gum disease and keep your oral and overall health in check.

Healthy Smiles, Healthy Hearts

Find out how you can reduce your risk of heart disease and gum disease by simply practicing good oral health habits every day.

Oral Cancer: Let’s Talk About It

You can check for early signs of oral cancer with a self-exam. Discover what to look for and why regular dental exams are so important.

Classroom Resources

Information for kids and parents on the importance of good oral habits. Find out how to care for primary and secondary teeth, have fun with coloring books and browse information to share with your family or students.

ReThink Your Drink Kits

Our ReThink Your Drink Kits are a great, interactive way to see the benefits of choosing water over other, more sugar-filled drinks.

Other Links**

Helpful websites and resources to learn more about maintaining good oral and overall health and wellness.

General Health

Centers for Disease Control

National Institutes of Health

HealthFinder (DHHS)

National Health Observances

Dental Health

American Dental Association

Children’s Dental Health Project

National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research

Samuel Harris National Museum

The National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center Harris National Museum

Oral Cancer Foundation


*Little, James W., Falace, Donald A., Miller, Craig S., & Rhodus, Nelson L. (2013). Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier.

**We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these external websites, and the links are not intended to be an endorsement of those sites.